Saturday, July 3, 2010

Count me as a library activist- advocate. In the past three months I have been advocating for New Jersey's public libraries. Governor Christie initially wanted to cut library funding by 74%. It would have meant horrific cuts for our public libraries. I wrote e-mails and letters to my New Jersey representatives in the Senate and Assembly. Also I e-mailed and wrote to Governor Christie, the Senate Majority Speaker and the Assembly Majority Speaker.
On June 29th the Governor signed the budget that included $5 million in restored funding for library network aid. Hurrah!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saving New Jersey's libraries

Here in New Jersey we are having major problems with proposed
public library and public school cuts. The following letter is one that I am
sending to Governor Christie and state legislators. It is important
to save our libraries and schools.
Please visit the following websites to let your voices to be heard.

April 24, 2010

Governor Christopher Christie
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625

Dear Governor Christie,
I am a retired school librarian. I am not in favor of a bill that may be introduced to end the formula for dedicated public library funding (A2555.) It is important to keep local libraries strong by leaving the dedicated funding as it is. I implore you to keep libraries vital and preserve this funding. We and others who use libraries see that they are a very good use of taxpayers’ money.
Reading is and always will be important !!! Libraries and Reading go hand in hand.
I am opposed to the drastic budget cuts to our public libraries and public schools. Public libraries are an integral and important part of our communities. Here in New Jersey we now are fortunate to have wonderful libraries that are busy. These libraries are for all of our citizens young or old. Books are expensive!!! Using libraries New Jersey citizens have saved money. In these economic times we have saved a lot of money by borrowing library books.
My family has used many of the programs that you want to do away with. My sons and I have used the interlibrary loans. My sons who are adults now participated in the summer reading club programs. These libraries are for all of our citizens young or old.
So many people are looking for jobs and libraries can help people find jobs. There are books about resume writing and computers so that jobseekers can use online job websites. Not everyone has a computer. Public Libraries have computers for people to use.
The Talking Book and Braille books will be eliminated. It is hard for anyone to lose their eyesight, but on top that, not to be able to listen or read books using Braille is traumatic.
Many school librarians have been cut or not replaced when they retire. They do not have the services that they had provided for their students. If you cut public library service, where are public school students going to find their books for book reports, projects and research papers? For public school students interlibrary library loans are important.
I am also deeply concerned about the public school budget cuts. We have excellent public schools in New Jersey. Such drastic cuts would wreck havoc with our schools. It is our children, grandchildren and great grand children who will suffer with these drastic cuts.

My name

Monday, March 22, 2010


I love and am fascinated by collage illustration. I like Erza Jack Keats. He illustrates so beautifully with collage. When I was unpacking my children's books from the library that I last worked at I found many books that I had. I discovered I had seven books by Mr. Keats. I have The Snowy Day, Jennie's Hat, Regards to the Man in the Moon, A Letter to Amy, Louie, Peter's Chair and Whistle for Willie. I read the books to kindergartners and first graders.
I decided to make my own collage. First, I decided to make a heart collage. I love hearts so I knew it was a good choice for me. The beauty of making a collage it is your own and it is not hard to do. I started using red card stock and then I folded and made a heart. Or you can go to for a heart shape Then, I used many different kinds of materials and I mainly carried out the heart theme. I used stationery, pictures from catalog, buttons, ribbon, cupcake papers, card stock and a paper plate. Later I also included pictures of my family to go around the heart. I found and used a very good glue stick. It was a fun adventure. I did not do it all at one time. It evolved as found things I wanted to place on the collage. After I finished the collage I find a frame that had a mounting surface. I mounted the collage on a large surface that is a sheet of foam and canvas like material over it. Now, my husband will finish it and put a frame over and it will be on our living room.
What a great project!!! It would make a great project with reading Ezra Jack Keats, Eric Carle,
Leo Lionni, and Lois Ehlert books. These author- illustrators use collage in their books.
To collect the materials here are a few suggestions. Save catalogs. This is one time you want to be on a catalog list. Also save ribbon, yarn, buttons, paper and gift bags, stationery or other materials. Use glue sticks for this project. It will make it easier for your students. Have Fun!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Favorite Book Characters We Love

Here is a great February and Valentine's Day bulletin board idea for librarians and teachers.
In the beginning of February I read Valentine Bears by Eve Bunting to the second graders. It is a short book with only 2 characters. Mrs. Bear decided that she would celebrate Valentine's Day with Mr. Bear. Before she goes to sleep to hibernate for the winter she sets her alarm for February 14th. After I finished the story I would ask the students who are the characters in this
book. Then, I would ask the students what are book characters? Then, I would
lead a discussion about who are their favorite book characters? It could be
Arthur or D.W. from the Arthur series by Marc Brown
Jack and Annie from the Magic Tree House book
Kermit from Bill Peet's Kermit the Hermit
the cat in the hat
Harry Potter
Nate the Great
Then, I would talk about my favorite book character Charlotte from Charlotte's Web. I would show the students a large red heart with Charlotte's name in black crayon and a drawing of a web and Charlotte. Then, I would give the directions. Please write on red, pink construction or white drawing paper (good quality) who your favorite book character is. (The hearts would be copied on to the paper). Please write your favorite book character in pencil first. Then, outline it in a darker color if you are using red or pink. We would discuss why we use pencil, first and what are dark colors. I would tell the students I will help you with spelling. Also I will tell the students to do their best work because this would be going to be on the bulletin board outside of the library. After the papers are passed out. I would monitor the students' work.
For the bulletin board I made a large circle with printing with marker, Favorite Book Characters We Love. I found beautiful red, white and blue lace that I would staple under the circle. You could also use small heart decorations. Then, I would staple the hearts on to the bulletin board. It was always fun to see the students' favorite book characters.
Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reading as a solace in time of need

Reading is such an enjoyable way to live. I have found reading to be entertaining, fun, and informative.
Also I have experienced reading that has been a solace in times of stress and depression. For years I took care of my elderly mother. At the beginning of this painful journey, I had to go with my then young sons back to my home town. My 88 year old mother had fallen in her apartment and been taken to the hospital. I knew this was going to be a difficult trip. I told my husband that was not going to be taking a book to read. He gave me the best advice. Linda, take a book. I did and when I wasn't seeing my mother at the hospital, or talking to a social worker I would read my book. It was Witness by Sandra Brown. It was an exciting fast-paced read that gave me that solace to face the hard challenges that I had.