Tuesday, October 20, 2009


As I walk in the morning, I can feel that Fall is here. In less than two weeks it will be Halloween. This year is our first annual Halloween decorating contest on our street. My husband and I have been collecting Halloween decorations from all kinds of places.
I love reading Halloween books. I read Georgie and the Robbers by Robert Bright to first graders. Georgie is a gentle little ghost that lives with the Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker. He lives in the attic with all the fine antiques. He does not know what he will do if robbers come and steal the antiques. The robbers do come to steal the antiques. Gentle Georgie is one resourceful little ghost. This story is an oldie but goody. I have been reading it for about 36 years. Now, I changed many of the stories that I have read over the many years that I was a working librarian. I have stayed with this book because it is so charming. It is out of print so go to your public library or its website and reserve it.
To second graders I read The Witches’ Supermarket by Susan Meddaugh. In this fantastic book, Helen and her dog Martha are trick or treating. Helen is dressed as a witch and Martha is dressed as a cat. (“ Witches have cats, everyone knows that.”) The twosome find their way into a witches supermarket. Though, they do not know it. This book is available in paperback and your public library. This book is the same Martha and Helen from the Martha Speaks books and PBS show. The following is that website for the Martha Speaks website pbskids.org/martha/
Without giving too much away there some unique brooms in this story. So, I brought some witches’ brooms at a craft store. One is a big sparkly purple one that my husband could hardly wait for me to get it outside. The purple sparkles were on our foyer floor. The brooms are outside our door. I have made a sign.
Witches Parking Only
My husband and I have done most of our Halloween decorations up. We are not doing it for a prize. We just want to have fun doing it.
Now, I had better get cracking on making that ghost garland. I have a ghost template, stiff felt and black ribbon.
Happy Halloween to all!!!