Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Be a Reader

Be a reader to raise a reader. You can read books, magazines, manuals, etc. Remember you are a role model for your child. She/He sees you read they will see that it has worth and it is important. My mother was a reader. We would go to our town’s public library. While she would select her books, I would choose mine. Those visits to the public library started my life long love of books. Mentioning the public library, please go to our public libraries. Also sign yourself and your child up for a library card. They are free!!! In our state you should be five years old to sign up for a library card. In one family they have made signing up for a library card at the child’s fifth birthday as a rite of passage. Pretty cool!!! Also many public libraries have special
pre-school story times and summer reading clubs for preschool and school age children. Public libraries are a wonderful place to go. Besides books they may have DVDs and CDs to borrow. Remember to be a reader.

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