Thursday, August 6, 2009

Story Time

Please read to your children from the time they are infants. Story time is a special bonding time. You are sharing your time with your child, introducing her/him to the wide wonderful world of children’s literature. In addition you are creating memories. As time goes by your child will learn to value reading and books. For infants start with board book that can be touch and feel books. I love to buy those for baby presents. Also ABC books are great for little ones. These books also help with language development. As infants grow into toddlers choose books that have a simple story. Then, preschoolers are usually ready for more of story. Also base your selections
on what your child likes. If she/he likes trucks, then read truck stories or books to her/him. As I was cleaning the library that I had been at before my retirement. I came upon an acrostic poem that my oldest son wrote twenty years ago. It was a creative writing assignment for Mother’s Day. What a treasure to find!!!
Help me
Reads to me.
My mom is the greatest because she helps me with my homework and reads to me.

Make time for story time!!!

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